#Silas Evergreen
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blushinmoon · 2 years ago
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So, after the previous comic fell through I made a new character to kind of fill the void it left behind. This is Silas, so far what I have on him is that he’s a god of lost souls, lives in the forest, and has two very much alive and loving parents. Silas’ coat changes with the seasons and I made him on October 27th, 2022 so that’s probably his birthday
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( Post credit & inspiration from @dateaforestgod )
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vimpse · 2 years ago
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Back in the main Evergreen household: Right on the edge of the last of the generation 1 Evergreen children to move on to (young) adulthood. :) Elle and Winston are also on the edge of having the heir return, since it won’t actually be either of twins Mason and Silas. It’s autumn and some last minute skilling in preparation for university is on the agenda.
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beechskullz · 3 months ago
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I love this fucking Twink AGRHRHHR @nebulous-rain
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corporatecoinings · 1 month ago
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(Snowy) forest + wolf (or canine) themed ID pack
Crafted by Alaska's paws 🐺🐾 Header mask | /fleaseditstuff Divider | Made by Alaska (me) (I prefer it that only I use the divider.)
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Alaska ✦ Alder ✦ Alpha ✦ Alpine ✦ Arctic ✦ Ash ✦ Aspen ✦ Aura ✦ Aurora ✦ Avalanche ✦ Birch ✦ Blizzard ✦ Boreal/Borealis ✦ Boris ✦ Brutus ✦ Canine ✦ Cedar ✦ Cinder ✦ Colorado ✦ Comet ✦ Crecent ✦ Crystal ✦ Dakota ✦ Dawn ✦ Diamond ✦ Douglas ✦ Dusk/Dusky ✦ Ebony ✦ Eclipse ✦ Elm ✦ Everest ✦ Evergreen ✦ Fang ✦ Fawn ✦ Fenrir ✦ Fern ✦ Forest/Forrest ✦ Frost ✦ Frostine ✦ Glacier ✦ Gray ✦ Grove/Grover ✦ Howl ✦ Icecap ✦ Icicle ✦ Ivory/Ivy ✦ January ✦ Juniper ✦ Lixue ✦ Lumi ✦ Luna ✦ Maine ✦ Mist/Misty ✦ Miyuki ✦ Montana ✦ Moon ✦ Neve ✦ North ✦ Permafrost ✦ Pine ✦ Polar ✦ Polaris ✦ Redwood ✦ River ✦ Rocky ✦ Sable ✦ Siberia ✦ Silas ✦ Silver ✦ Sirius ✦ Smoke/Smokey ✦ Snowcap ✦ Snowfall ✦ Snowflake ✦ Snowstorm ✦ Spirit ✦ Spruce ✦ Storm ✦ Summit ✦ Sylvester ✦ Taiga ✦ Tempest ✦ Timber ✦ Tundra ✦ Twilight ✦ Valor ✦ Vega ✦ Vixen ✦ Wilder ✦ Winter ✦ Yukina ✦ Zeus
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arctic/arctics ✦ arf/arfs ✦ bark/barks ✦ birch/birchs ✦ bite/bites ✦ bloom/blooms ✦ branch/branchs ✦ breeze/breezes ✦ breezy/breezys ✦ canine/canines ✦ chew/chews ✦ chill/chills ✦ chilly/chillys ✦ claw/claws ✦ cold/colds ✦ creek/creeks ✦ dark/darks ✦ fang/fangs ✦ fauna/faunas ✦ fern/ferns ✦ fir/firs ✦ flora/floras ✦ fluff/fluffs ✦ fluffy/fluffys ✦ forest/forests ✦ fur/furs ✦ growl/growls ✦ grr/grrs ✦ holly/hollys ✦ howl/howls ✦ leaf/leafs ✦ luna/lunas ✦ lunar/lunars ✦ moon/moons ✦ night/nights ✦ nocturn/nocturns ✦ nocturnal/nocturnals ✦ nox/noxs ✦ paw/paws ✦ pine/pines ✦ river/rivers ✦ ruff/ruffs ✦ sap/saps ✦ sapling/saplings ✦ shadow/shadows ✦ snow/snows ✦ snowflake/snowflakes ✦ spruce/spruces ✦ thorn/thorns ✦ timber/timbers ✦ tree/trees ✦ tundra/tundras ✦ wind/winds ✦ winter/winters ✦ wolf/wolfs ✦ wood/woods ✦ 🐺/🐺s ✦ 🐾/🐾s ✦ 🌲/🌲s ✦ 🌳/🌳s ✦ 🌿/🌿s ✦ 🍁/🍁s ✦ 🍂/🍂s ✦ 🍃/🍃s ✦ 🍄/🍄s ✦ 🪨/🪨s ✦ 🪵/🪵s ✦ 🌑/🌑s ✦ 🌒/🌒s ✦ 🌓/🌓s ✦ 🌔/🌔s ✦ 🌕/🌕s ✦ 🌖/🌖s ✦ 🌗/🌗s ✦ 🌘/🌘s ✦ 🌙/🌙s ✦ ⭐/⭐s ✦ ☁️/☁️s ✦ 🌨️/🌨️s ✦ ❄️/❄️s
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Alonesnowaesic ✦ Auroralupincryin ✦ Fogforestic ✦ Forestgender ✦ Forestwolfgender ✦ Forestwolfsprintic ✦ Howlgender ✦ Neigean ✦ Nightforfulmoonic ✦ Northwolfic ✦ Noxlibic ✦ Redwoodgender ✦ Sillywolfic ✦ Snowfallgender ✦ Snowmoonlic ✦ Snowynightgender ✦ Starforestaesic ✦ Tundrawolfgender ✦ Wolfbitic ✦ Wolfforestic ✦ Wolfgender ✦ Wolfmoonbodiement ✦ Wolfmoonic ✦ Wolforigender ✦ Wolfpawic ✦ Wolfplushigender ✦ Wolfstarmoonic ✦ Wolfthing
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Feel free to use this ID pack however you want. For hoarding labels, for figuring out your identity, for system members, so on and so forth.
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[Nemesis protects this blog! we are pro-endo, anti-radqueer, anti-transid, and anti-proship, but our labels are for everybody; unless we specify a specific reason as to why what we have coined is exclusive in the post. please dont come here with ill intention, we are not afraid to block!]
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rhikasa · 1 month ago
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Aeris Radan Skylark
Agnes Kain
Alais Kalagin
Alexander Louise Ryder
Ameera Mendez
Arlen Lelisa Iuscora
Arlen Mitchell Iuscora
Arrya Rose Blackburn
Avalynn Irene Kinsella
Balis Lucian Skylark
Bemere Ryder
Cassius Edmund Astra
Charles Lukas
Deryn William Iuscora
Edmund Astra
Elisven Luina Skylark
Elizabeth "Ella" Ann Hart
Elliana Alwin Iuscora
Elyse Rebecca Calder
Florence Evergreen
Gareth Evander Astra
Isladine Neaira Garnett
Izaya Astra
Jackson Artridge
Jahdiel Arey
Jalisa Kalagin
Julianna Marie Pond
Kaelin Elias Harper
Kaylien Luina Astra
Keya Ryder
Kyllen Peter Iuscora
Lillian Graves
Lucian Edric Skylark
Luthias Ander
Maddison Artridge
Maiella Kaylien Skylark
Marian Kinsella
Marian Avalynn Iuscora
Penemu Zilyana Nightingale
Peter Lelisa Iuscora
Radan Balis Skylark
Rhialyssa "Rhia"
Rhistel Lathan Ryder
Roslyn Margaret Iuscora
Sidra Arey
Sidra Delphine Skylark
Sireva Cassius Astra
Taliesin Skylark
Theodore James Grayson
Vesstan Taliesin Skylark
Vietna Ariadne Sayre
William James Iuscora
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evergreenhqs · 2 months ago
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Welcome, friends, to Evergreen Sanctum. Your safety is our priority. Your homes are ready for you, your friends are waiting; so take a moment to follow everyone and make sure you post in the next 24 hours!
Heather Richardson || empiresiren
Silas Mercer || wraithwaves
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parpindolls · 6 months ago
More names
Silas - Silas means "wood" or "forest."
Willow - a tree or shrub of temperate climates which typically has narrow leaves, bears catkins, and grows near water. Its pliant branches yield osiers for basketry, and the timber is traditionally used to make cricket bats.
Orchid - a plant with complex flowers that are often showy or bizarrely shaped, having a large specialized lip (labellum) and frequently a spur. Orchids occur worldwide, especially as epiphytes in tropical forests, and are valuable hothouse plants.
Fawn - a young deer in its first year.
Cascade - a small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope.
Quilt - a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
Opal - a gemstone consisting of a form of hydrated silica, typically semi-transparent and showing many small points of shifting colour against a pale or dark ground.
Ray/Rey - each of the lines in which light (and heat) may seem to stream from the sun or any luminous body, or pass through a small opening.
Cosmos - Cosmos often simply means "universe".
Ash - the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.
Rogue - a dishonest or unprincipled person.
Pheonix - A phoenix is an imaginary bird which, according to ancient stories, burns itself to ashes every five hundred years and is then born again.
Abysmal - 1. extremely bad; appalling. 2. very deep.
Atom - the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist.
Aloe - a succulent plant with a rosette of thick tapering leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems, native to the Old World.
Pine - an evergreen coniferous tree which has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves. Many kinds are grown for the soft timber, which is widely used for furniture and pulp, or for tar and turpentine.
Névé - Névé is snow, yes, but it's not just “cold white stuff.” Névé is young snow that is hard and granular, the result of partial melting, re-freezing, and compacting, and it forms the surface part of the upper end of a glacier.
Astral - relating to or resembling the stars.
Alibi - a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, especially a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.
Ox - a castrated bull used as a draught animal.
Ardour - great enthusiasm or passion.
Avidity - keen interest or enthusiasm.
Equity - The term “equity” refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.
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gnattyplayssims · 2 years ago
David Mizrahi (1893-1944)
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David Mizrahi (48) died of old age in the summer of 1944 in his daughter's home in Conifer Station. He was born in 1893 at Olde Mille in Little Henford, the son of Uriah and Abigail Mizrahi. David worked on his families farm until Worlds War I. Upon returning in 1919 He moved to Finchwick and took a job as a cook at The Gnome's Arms Restaurant. He married his brother's widow, Elena Bailey, in 1921 and adopted her two children Lizbeth and Hezekiah. He quit his job at the Gnome's Arms 1926 and worked odd jobs into the Economic Depression of the 30's at which point they returned to New New Henford (previously Little Henford) and returned to farm work. David was known to be a self-assured man who confidently made decisions and didn't allow others to push him around. He enjoyed a neat environment and had a sensitive heart that cared deeply for those around him. Prior to the war he was known to be outgoing and take part in a number of social activities but after the war became more secluded and solely devoted to his wife. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Silas and twin Daniel (both WWI casualties) as well as his wife Elena who passed in 1941. He was survived by his sisters Jemmah (45) and Esther (41), step-children Lizbeth (34) and Hezekiah (32), children Rachel (18) and Reuben (18) and five grandchildren Ivy (12), Stefan (10), Sofia (10), Frankie (9), Blaine (4). His ashes were left in posession of his step-daughter Lizbeth at Pigulock Manor in Evergreen Harbor.
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nebulous-rain · 2 years ago
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vimpse · 2 years ago
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Can’t be forgetting about Davin’s business venture: the extremely beautifully named furniture store Chairs ‘n’ More. x) Willow comes with him to try to help out with the checkout, but like most teenagers she’s useless at it. Good thing the store has so many loyal costumers and Davin manages to max the cash perk and get a nice bonus before closing time. :)
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tasmpeter · 3 years ago
🍓𓂅⋆ fuck it, i love you
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sequel to trash magic. also works as stand alone.
— pairing: dilf!adrian chase x wife!reader
— summary: you love your husband. the father of your children. but sometimes, when christopher smith is around, he acts like a fucking idiot. (follows the events of peacemaker season one)
— warnings: light smut (fingering, oral - male receiving, too much of the word cock — like a lot im sorry —, mentions of piv), mentions of torture (electrocution to the balls, cutting off half of pinky toe), mentions of violence, mentions of injuries, hurt and comfort, canon typical violence, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth, anxiety, idiots in love, reader is the founder, president, and chairmen of the adrian chase defense squad. 18+ minors dni.
— authors note: so here is what happens when you hyperfixate on dilf!adrian/husband!addian. i think this also the longest one shot i’ve ever posted so.. slay. i might continue this series of dilf!addian/husband adrian and sweet with little one shots here and there (so send requests in if you have any for them!) also, this is not the best written so i apologize lmao. there is probably a lot of timeline issues, but let’s ignore that. enjoy!
masterlist 🍓 requests/asks
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The first person to know Christopher Smith was back in town was Adrian Chase. The Chase Family's residence just so happened to be next door to Peacemaker's Patriotic trailer. (The home was way too small for three children and Adrian didn't plan on stopping after three kids). It had been almost three years since you and Adrian had gotten married and you already had three kids. Aurora  Louise Chase was born nine months after your honeymoon. She resembled Adrian more, with curly brown hair and big green eyes, but that the feisty personality of her mother. Anakin Christopher Chase was the youngest sibling — so far — and was only born four months ago. (You got to name the girl, and Adrian got to name the guy. That was the deal, unfortunately). While you had been adapted to motherhood since you were sixteen, all the new additions to the Chase family made your heart grow fonder. Silas had officially been adopted by Adrian after the wedding, and Silas has really taken a liking to his new father figure. He was eight years old now and was settling into his big brother role well. He loved his siblings and he loved Adrian. Wherever you are, Adrian is, and wherever Adrian is, Silas is. Everyone following each other around like a lost puppy.
You didn't know how Adrian would adapt to the father life. Well, you had some idea. He was great around Silas and really bonded with your son — their son. But, you were still nervous to see how he would react around an infant. Like you expected, it took Adrian some time on rocking Aurora to sleep after she had been crying her eyes out for hours. He got frustrated easily and you had to constantly reassure him that he was a good parent. He still went out as Vigilante. However, not as frequently and less likely to come home with a knife wound to the torso. Silas learned awhile ago that Adrian was Vigilante after he was snooping for his Christmas presents. (That was an interesting conversation about how sometimes good people do bad things). Another side affect of Silas being obsessed with Adrian? He loved Peacemaker. He worshiped the ground he walked on. Adrian and Silas would often have fangirling fits over something cool Peacemaker did once. It was irritating.
The day Christopher Smith arrived back in Evergreen after four years, you were in the kitchen washing dishes. You had been humming along to whatever cartoon theme song Adrian, Silas, Aurora, and Anakin had been watching. It was a very cute moment. Adrian was holding Anakin in a little blanket over his chest. Aurora was sat in her older brothers lap, and Silas had his arm leaning against Adrian. You loved the moments like these, where you get the feeling you have everything you've ever wanted.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a yellow taxi pull up to your neighbors house, something that hadn't happened in years. When you saw the large man come barreling out of the car in just his underwear, you couldn't help but laugh. You called out Adrian's name. He tore his eyes from the tv screen. (They were watching Adventure Time, because Adrian claimed it to be the best animated media of all time). You ushered him over to the kitchen and told him that you just saw Peacemaker. Adrian yelled out a profanity, which caused Anakin to wake up from his nap and Aurora to copy her father. After you managed to get Anakin back to bed and gave Aurora a talking to about copying words that Dad says, Adrian gave you a big smack on the lips in celebration. (The famous butt dance came after, with Silas following his fathers footsteps. Why Adrian taught him that dance? You'll never know).
A little bit after Adrian's celebration, Peacemakers trailer was surrounded once again by law enforcement. Adrian and Aurora watched — they were nosy neighbors — and you had to give a second child a talk about what happens when bad people do bad things. Why are you always having these discussions with your children? Adrian noted that Christopher wasn't being hauled away by the law enforcement — and you could hear the loud rock music of Wig Wham blare out of the trailer. So, Adrian decided to go over to his house tomorrow.
"Why can't I just go over today? I haven't seen him in like — four years — and he probably misses his best friend," Adrian whined as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the back of your neck.
"He hasn't been home in, like, four years. Let him get settled in first," You said, leaning into Adrian's touch, "And what did I say about your hands, Mister Chase?"
Adrian's hands were currently digging into your ass, and a loose finger had made its way towards your cunt, "Not in front of the kids," He huffed out and withdrew his hands.
When Adrian saw Peacemaker hunched over his bed, he decided this was the fourth best day of his life. (First, was the day he married you. Second was when Aurora was born and third was when Anakin was born). The facial muscle exercises that Chris were doing was a bit weird, but he decided to talk about it with you tonight and see if this was something he should add to his exercise routine.
While helping Chris clean up his trailer, he finally dropped the news he had been dying to share.
"You know," Adrian slotted Inglorious Bastards in its proper place in between Independence Day and John Wick, "I got married while you were in prison. Got myself a wife and kids."
Chris's eyes almost bursted out of his face and he felt his jaw slowly drop, before bursting out in laughter, "You have to be fucking with me."
"No, for real. I know, I'm surprised that she agreed to marry me too, but she's great. My kids are pretty sick, too. We live next door actually!" Adrian exclaimed, slotting more DVD's in on the shelf.
"Oh, god. Do you actually live next door to me?" Chris groaned out, slouching back on the coach and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah! She actually lived there before you went to prison, but we just haven't moved yet. We will probably have to soon, unfortunately. We only have three bedrooms, and I plan to give my wife plenty of more children."
Chris groaned again, "Please don't. We don't need more of you in this world."
Adrian hopped over to the spot on the couch next to Chris, "Do you want to see my kids? They are so cute. I really hit the jackpot."
Chris didn't have enough time to protest before Adrian was shoving his phone into Chris's face, "This is Aurora. She's two. She looks just like her mother. Acts like her too. Always crying, but she is the sweetest girl ever."
The young girl Adrian showed Chris had bright green eyes and curly brown hair. She had food smeared on her face, and was wearing a little pink bow in her hair. Chris could see how this was Adrian's kid. He wondered what the mother looked like.
Adrian swiped the photo to the left and an elementary school aged kid was holding a small baby, "This is Silas and Anakin. I know, I can't believe she let me name my kid after the coolest character ever. Silas isn't mine, well, biologically. I adopted him awhile ago, but she had him while in high school. Anakin is only a few months old, but he's cool as hell. And he loves guns. Every time I bring him shooting appliances, he smiles."
"Please don't tell me you have been shooting shit with your newborn baby."
Adrian laughed, "He has little ear muffs, and I only take him when the misses isn't home. She would kill me if she found out."
A knock on the door broke the conversation. Chris just prayed it wasn't another fucking government agency trying to send him back to jail. When he opened the door, however, he was greeted with a young girl who couldn't be much older than twenty five. Attached to her body, in a Baby Bjorn, was a newborn baby. Standing next to her was the two kids from the photo Adrian had shown him, The older one was holding the little girls hand, and had a huge grin on his face.
"Oh my god! Mister Peacemaker! Mom, you didn't tell me we were meeting Peacemaker! I would have worn my helmet."
Of course Adrian's kid was obsessed with Peacemaker too. How typical.
"Sorry Mister Peacemaker, we are just here for my husband. It's dinner time," You said with a small smile, bouncing the newborn with you chest.
Chris connected all the dots quickly. This was his wife? Vigilante married one of the most beautiful women Chris has ever seen? Everyone must have been fucking with him today, "Uh—"
Vigilante stepped behind him and entered the doorframe, cutting Chris off, "Hey Sweet! What did you make for dinner tonight?"
Chris knew he wasn't getting punk'd when he saw the look on your face. You couldn't pay someone any amount of money to fake that kind of love with no money in the world. Chris thought he was going to go blind from the twinkle in your eyes, "Enchiladas, your favorite."
"Excuse me! Can I talk to Mister Peacemaker, Dad?" Silas chirped up, the obvious desire to have a conversation with Chris was vibrating off of his body.
Vigilante nodded, "Sorry, Si. Christopher, meet Silas. Silas, this is Christopher Smith."
Silas let go of his sisters hand and reached it up to Peacemaker, "Mister Peacemaker. I am a huge fan. Dad helped me make a helmet just like yours! We are still working on the suit though, but it should be done just in time for halloween!"
This was the first positive experience Chris had ever had with a child and he honestly did not know to respond, "W-Well, you are going to have to show me it when it's done, okay?"
Silas's smile grew, baring almost all of his teeth in a bright smile, "Okay! I'll come over and show you it with Dad when we finish!"
"Maybe then I'll show you use my gun."
You quickly stepped in, "Please don't show my child how to use a gun, Christopher. Vigilante here already tries to enough."
Silas didn't have the heart to tell his mother that Adrian already showed him how to use a gun a long time ago. Vigilante said a quick goodbye to Chris, before stepping onto the porch and picking up Aurora. He slipped an arm around your shoulder and placed a kiss on your head through his mask. Chris felt more tears forming in his eyes. How the hell could Vigilante have everything? A wife, kids, people who love him.
You knew things would change when Peacemaker returned home, but you didn't realize how fast they would. Suddenly, Adrian was disappearing a bit more. Only home briefly in the morning, to give you a kiss on the cheek before your shift, and at night, to tuck the children into bed. Adrian didn't tell you a whole lot about what he did as Vigilante. Sometimes he would, after a particularly bad day, but normally, he liked to keep that part to himself. You have cleaned up a lot of his blood and stitched him back together. However, the night Adrian came home from being tortured was one of the worst nights of crime fighting you've seen.
It was three in the afternoon when he had returned home. Anakin was down for his afternoon nap, Silas was at school, and Aurora was having a play date with a neighborhood kid. You were resting on the couch, after a restless night of anxiety on Adrian's safety, and your newborn that required feeding every two hours. Adrian had texted you last night that he had joined Peacemaker on a mission and he wouldn't be home that night. He always let you know if he wasn't going to be coming home at his normal time, after he ended up stranded in a town three towns over and his phone died. That was the biggest fight you ever had with Adrian. Adrian limped into your home. He had changed out of his Vigilante uniform, and you noticed something was wrong almost immediately. You quickly rose up from your spot on the couch to Adrian.
"Hey, baby. Are you alright? Do you want to sit?" You asked, touching his chest to make sure there wasn't any unseen stab wounds or bullet holes.
"I lost half my pinky toe and I don't think I can give you anymore babies," Adrian said, flopping onto the couch. His nose was scrunched up and he had a desolate look across his face.
"W-what?" You stuttered out. Your hands were still hovering over his body, slowly unzipping his grey jacket
"Well, last night, when I went to help Peacemaker assassinate a State Senator — or whatever, I got beat up and kidnapped by this little green guy. He was super fast and genuinely terrified me a little bit, but whatever — that's besides the point. The State Senator we tried to assassinate tied me up in his super weird cave, basement thing, and electrocuted my balls to try and get Peacemaker to talk. Which he didn't, by the way. He let the guy kill off all my little guys! And then, when that didn't get Peacemaker to talk, he cut half my pinky toe off."
You stared at Adrian with a look of astonishment with what he had just told you. You never were particularly found of Peacemaker, but what Adrian had told you made the fury you felt towards him grow. How dare he let your husband get tortured?
You gripped onto Adrian's hands, "I'm sorry, baby. Do you need me to help patch you up?"
Adrian shook his head, "Well the people who surrounded Peacemaker's trailer are actually on a team with Peacemaker. So not best friend material by the way. But, they took a look at my toe and stitched it up. But, I still haven't checked to see if I still have balls."
"I could check, if you want. We could also check to see if you can still have kids," You whispered, your index finger trailing down his stomach to his leather belt.
Adrian gulped and shivered underneath you, "Y-Yeah, we should probably test it out. Make sure it still works."
You slowly undid the buckle on Adrian's blue jeans and slowly pushed them down to his ankles. You slowly traced the outline of Adrian's hard cock, causing him to jolt.
" 'M so sensitive, Sweet," Adrian gasped out as you slowly gripped his clothed cock.
"I know, baby. You are doing such a good job for me," You said as you pulled back the tight band of his underwear and begin to uncover his cock.
Adrian was cursing up a storm when the cold air inside the house met his burning cock. You had to place a finger in his mouth — which he immediately began sucking on — and remind him not to wake Anakin. He tried to remain calm, he really did, but then you placed your tongue on the head of his cock and Adrian lost motor function. He had a hand in your hair immediately, gripping your scalp as you slowly took his entire cock into your mouth.
"Fuck, you are so good at that. Y-You are like, the Head Queen. H-Holy shit, keep doing t-that, with your tongue!" Adrian shouted out as slide your tongue up and down his cock. Your spit coating his entire member. Tears were streaming down your face from Adrian's dick hitting the back of your throat.
When he came, it was violent. His hands tugging at your hair so tight, you thought he was going to rip your hair out. His cock shoved so far down your throat, you began gagging on it. His cum was shoved forcefully down your throat, and you swallowed it gratefully. You have his balls each a small kiss, which cause Adrian twitched again, and slowly made your way up to his lips.
"Do you want to see if you can still give me babies?" You asked, as your tongue traced the outline of his lips. You felt Adrian's hands rip your leggings off and he quickly had his fingers inside your cunt.
"Fuck, yeah, Sweet," Adrian mumbled out before flipping you onto your back and taking you on the couch.
The first time you met the task force, it was on accident. You were working a closing shift at Fennel Fields tonight, which meant Adrian had to stay home with the kids. It was a Tuesday night, which is usually the slowest. You were in the back doing your closing duties when Marla tapped you on the shoulder and told you that you had a table. You softened your diner reminiscent dress and dug out your notebook from your apron pockets. Sat in your sections was Peacemaker and three other people you had never met before. You gulped and wiped your sweaty palms on your apron. You were always nervous about serving people you know. You just hoped that they give you a good tip because you are married to their coworker.
"Welcome to Fennel Fields. What can I get y'all to drink?" You said as you approached the table. You gave Chris a knowing smile and turned your attention to the blonde hair lady closest to you. You slowly gathered in everyone's drink order and slivered to the back to prepare it.
Marla was all over you about Peacemaker. It was clear she had a crush on him. (She would not shut up about his biceps). You told her that you would introduce each other later before you grabbed your tray full of drinks. Everyone got a beer expect the dark haired girl, who instead got a glass of wine. You tired to warn her it would be shitty, but she didn't seem to care.
After placing everyone's drinks on the table, you tried to make your escape before Peacemaker reached a hand out. He grabbed your wrist and twirled you back to the table.
"You are Vigilante's wife, right?" Chris asked, letting go of your wrist.
You nodded, "Yes, but please don't say that too loud. Everyone here knows I'm married to... someone else," You didn't know if Adrian had told them his secret identity yet, so didn't want to expose him in case he hadn't gotten around to it yet.
"How? I'm sorry that's rude, but like, how are you married to that psycho?" The other man with the patchy beard spoke up.
You placed your hands on your hips, "I'm sorry, dye-beard. Are you insinuating there is something wrong with my husband?"
This got a chuckle from the two girls and Chris slapped a hand down on the table in laughter. You jumped a little but your hands still remained on your hips in your dominate position. Before you killed Rick James, you would have kept your mouth shut and made some excuse about running to the back. Now, you would snap the neck of anyone who talked ill of your husband.
"She's definitely Vig's wife. Even she can see you have a dye-beard!" Chris shouted, pouting at the fragile man in the corner of the booth who was nursing his beer, trying not to act like his feelings are hurt.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I love my husband and I will defend him to my last breath. It's kind of why I married him," You said looking at Dye-Beard.
Dye-beard set his drink down on the table, "It's okay. I would do the same, if I was married."
The dark haired girl sat next to Chris spoke up, "Your name is Sweet?" Her eyes were directed to the company name tag you wore.
"No, but that's just what everyone calls me. You guys can call me Sweet too, if you want. Plus, I don't think Vigilante will be too happy if I told you my name. You could clearly find out his secret identity."
The blonde girl finally spoke up, "We can easily do that, anyways. We work for the government."
Chris slammed his beer back on to the table, "He told me his name after we got kidnapped. I didn't tell anyone. Wouldn't break the bro code."
You frowned and crossed your arms, "Thank you for that, by the way. Only such a good friend would let their best friend get tortured."
"Hey, they were trying to get information out of me! I — I wasn't going to give up my team!" Chris called out, thankfully keeping his voice low as to not turn heads.
"Whatever, just— be nice to my husband, please. He may not seem like it, but he does actually have feelings. I don't want to hear a negative word about you guys come out of his mouth or I swear I will hunt you to the end of the earth."
The blonde girl chirped up and quirked an eyebrow at you, "Is that a threat?"
"Yes. Now, what can I get y'all to eat."
(You told Adrian about this later. It was after you had returned home from work, and you and Adrian were watching Fargo on the couch. All the kids were fast asleep. You had your back pressed against Adrian's chest and his hand kept getting dangerously close to your pantie covered pussy.
"You know, I met the little group you work with as Vigilante today," You said, arching your back deeper into Adrian's as his index finger ghosted your clit.
"Did they embarrass me? I swear if Chris said some dumb stuff to my wife —," Adrian said as he slid his hand under your panties.
You moaned and arched your back at Adrian's fingers entering your dripping cunt, "No. I insulted Dye-Beard guy because he asked why I was married to you, Chris laughed and said he saw how we were married, and then I yelled at Chris for letting you get tortured. I — ahh — also threatened to kill them if they were mean fo you."
"God, I fucking love you Mrs. Chase," Adrian mumbled into your ear as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. )
You had never felt more anger in your life than when you received a voicemail from the Evergreen City Jail. In a blinding rage, you packed your children into Adrian’s car and rushed to the video store. You drove like a mad man. Tears slowly spilling from your eyes while Silas asked you what was going on in the backseat. You told him that when you arrive at the video store, to take Aurora and himself into the back room and shut the door. Upon arrival, you bursted into the abandoned video store with Anakin strapped to your chest. Silas grabbed Aurora’s hand and quickly scurried off into the back room — ignoring the eyes of the other adults in the room.
Harcourt, Adebayo, and Murn were standing over Economos at his desk. Their heads snapped when they heard the door slam open to see the young girl stomping into the office. Harcourt rolled her eyes and you could notice how Adebayo slowly slipped behind Murn.
You slammed your phone down on the desk and pressed play on the voicemail that Adrian had left you, "Hey, Sweet. Soooo, I might be late for dinner tonight. I might be in prison. But it's okay! I went to go kill Peacemaker's dad because he would be better off without him. I should be out of here tonight, so save my dinner in the fridge, please. Oh! You would love my prison uniform. I wish I had my phone so I can send you a picture of it. You would totally want to fuck me in-,"
"Please turn it off." Harcourt groaned and you hastily grabbed your phone before Adrian could finish his rant about fucking you in his prison uniform. You wondered if he could snag one on his way out.
"Can you please tell me why the fuck my husband is in prison?!" You shouted, covering Anakin's small ears.
"Hey, it's okay. Just calm dow-," Adebayo mumbled out and you jumped at her, not before Harcourt grabbed your shoulder and held you back.
"You have some explaining to do," You looked at Harcourt, before sitting down in front of Economos across the desk.
"Adebayo convinced your husband to kill Peacemaker's father in prison," Economos spoke, looking at you from over his computer.
You shot an evil glare towards Adebayo, hoping maybe you gained superpowers so you can explode her with your mind. Adrian always had the biggest heart and was willing to do anything for the people he loved. How dare someone abused your husband's big heart for their own gain.
"Calm down, Jedi," Harcourt mumbled out.
"My husband is a good man, and how dare you abuse his big heart for your own fucking gain. He has been nothing but manipulated and teased since you guys showed up. He has feelings! You guys may not think he does, but he's still a fucking person. Get my husband out of prison or I swear to fucking god I will kill you all myself," You said, your hands still covering Anakin's young ears.
Economos spoke first, after communicative glances were exchanged between the team, "He should be released within the hour. He was only arrested for resisting arrest and destruction of government property."
You smiled at Economos, "Thank you, Dye-Beard. Silas! Aurora! Let's go!"
Your children came scurrying out of the back room. Economos mumbled out some retort to the insult you hurled at him while you grabbed onto Silas’s hand and ran out of the store.
You dropped your children off with Mrs. Tanner — something you probably should have done since you received the call — before making your way down to the police station. It was dark when you arrived to the station and you pulled Adrian’s jacket tighter around your body to protect yourself from the nipping air. Adrian strolled out of the station. His head was hung low while you slowly made your way over to your husband. You gripped onto his biceps and ghosted your hand over his cheek.
“Hey, baby. Busy day?” You said trying to lighten the mood. You could see the pain in Adrian’s eyes. Did he go through with it, you thought. Did he kill Augie Smith?
“I didn’t kill him,” Adrian mumbled out, still refusing to look you in the eyes. He was ashamed of himself. He made everything worse. It’s all he ever did.
You felt your chest heave in relaxation, “Oh, baby. It’s okay.”
Adrian titled his eyes up to yours. You ran a finger over his lips and cupped his cheek, “I think I might have made things worse.”
Your heart wanted to shatter. You wanted to take Adrian’s pain and blow it up with a grenade, but you couldn’t, so, you just held him. You brought your arms around your husbands neck and squeezed him with all your might. Adrian’s hands found the small of your back, as the always did, and reciprocated the hug. You whispered into his ear how everything was going to be alright, and how Adrian was the best man you know.
You pressed a kiss to Adrian’s lips. It was soft and delicate. Fragile.
“Did you end up stealing a uniform? I would love to see you in one,” You whispered into your husbands ears.
“Naughty girl. Did you see my mugshot?” Adrian mumbled back. His hot breath in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes I did, pretty boy. Now, let’s get home and put our kids to bed so I can pretend to be your arresting officer.”
Adrian slapped your ass. You jolted at the sudden spark sent down your spin, “Let’s go home, Mrs. Chase.”
“It’s Officer Chase, to you.”
When you didn’t hear from your husband for an entire day, you knew something terrible had happened. Then, you saw the news. Peacemaker’s diary was leaked, and he confessed to killing Annie Sturphausen — along with the warrant out for his arrest. You knew when Adrian said he was going to hang out with Chris earlier that morning, nothing good could happen from it. You didn’t hear from Adrian for two days after that. Your children kept wondering where their father was, and you were trying so hard to keep it together. Your anxiety skyrocketed, and you founded a new habit of hyperventilating into Adrian’s shirt until you passed out at nights.
After the third day of no word from Adrian, you decided to call Christopher Smith. Adrian had given you the number — for emergencies — and you never had an inkling to use it, until now. Silas was at school, Aurora was at daycare, and you had dropped Anakin off at Mrs. Tanners for the day. You were grateful that she also agreed to pick Silas and Aurora up later today too.
You paced around the living room while the phone rang in your ear. You were biting at your nails, anxious at the response you would get.
“Hello? Who is this?” Christopher spoke on the other end of the phone.
“Hi, Chris. I-It’s Sweet. I haven’t heard from Adrian in a couple days and I wanted to know if y-you have seen him,” You fumbled out.
“Oh, Sweet,” Your heart dropped at that moment. You felt your knees buckled. No. This can’t be happening. Please, “A-Adrian is in the hospital. H-He got shot, and blown up.”
You shirked and slowly sank onto the couch to avoid collapsing, “Oh my god. Is he okay? W-What room is he in? I’m — I’m on my way.”
Chris told you the room number and you gritted out a thank you. Nothing good ever comes to Adrian Chase with Christopher Smith around. You were angry, frustrated even, at Adrian continuing to put himself in danger for someone who would careless if they died. Adrian deserved better than that. You wished you could show him.
When you arrived to the hospital, Adrian was slowly taking out his IV from his hand. He was going to make a run for it, you figured. You cleared your throat and Adrian’s attention shot to the doorway of his hospital room.
“H-Hey, Sweet,” Adrian fumbled out. He was red from ear to ear, knowing he was about to be in so much trouble.
“What the fuck happened, Addy? I hadn’t heard from you in days. Y-You know the rule. I-I don’t think I ask for much. And you got yourself shot! I’m going to fucking kill this fucking task force you are working with. They don’t care, at all, about your safety. And—,”
Adrian had walked up to the door, favoring his right side, and cupped your cheek with his hand, “I’m okay, Sweet. No need to assassinate some government employees.”
A tear fell down your cheek and Adrian’s thumb caught it, “You were shot, Adrian. And, I didn’t hear from you for days. D-Do you know what it’s like? To have to tell your kids that Daddy can’t tuck them in at night. They missed you so much. Y-You can’t do this to them, to us.”
“I know I messed up, Sweet. But, with Peacemaker on the run, and we had to kill a cow, and we killed Peacemaker’s dad—,”
You placed a hand over his mouth, “If you ever do this again, I will kill your myself, Adrian. Never. Again.”
Adrian quickly nodded in response, wanting to do his best to appease you. You lowered your hand from his mouth and brushed your fingers past the bruise around his eye.
“Let’s go home, Addy. The kids miss you,” You said before slowly kissing your husband.
(A few months later, you found out that Adrian can, in fact, still have children. And a few months after that, you learned you were having twins. Adrian was stoked about this revelation. You, however, were more worried on how you were going to store this many children in a three bedroom home.
Adrian didn’t tell you this yet, but he put a mortgage out a new — five bedroom — home in the outskirts of Evergreen. The realtor told him that it was next to good schools, and the neighborhood was child friendly.
You named your twins Luke and Leia — obviously).
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id-pack-archive · 6 days ago
Image IDs
A banner with a bubbly pattern with stars on the bottom of it, overlaid on the banner is an image of a snowy forest with a purple hue over it.
A banner of a city with purple hue over it. Surrounding it is a techno-shaped outline with a red hue. There is a text overlay that a black and white outline. The text reads “Do not like, reblog, comment, inbox, dm, follow + do not use our labels: radqueers and transids” in pink, “Anti-endos, pro-c paraphiles, and pro-shippers can still use our labels but we highly recommend you don’t interact either.” in purple, “We block freely” in blue.
Plain Text
(Snowy) forest + wolf (or canine) themed ID pack
Crafted by Alaska's paws
Header mask | /fleaseditstuff
Divider | Made by Alaska (me) (I prefer it that only I use the divider.)
Alaska - Alder - Alpha - Alpine - Arctic - Ash - Aspen - Aura - Aurora - Avalanche - Birch - Blizzard - Boreal/Borealis - Boris - Brutus - Canine - Cedar - Cinder - Colorado - Comet - Crecent - Crystal - Dakota - Dawn - Diamond - Douglas - Dusk/Dusky - Ebony - Eclipse - Elm - Everest - Evergreen - Fang - Fawn - Fenrir - Fern - Forest/Forrest - Frost - Frostine - Glacier - Gray - Grove/Grover - Howl - Icecap - Icicle - Ivory/Ivy - January - Juniper - Lixue - Lumi - Luna - Maine - Mist/Misty - Miyuki - Montana - Moon - Neve - North - Permafrost - Pine - Polar - Polaris - Redwood - River - Rocky - Sable - Siberia - Silas - Silver - Sirius - Smoke/Smokey - Snowcap - Snowfall - Snowflake - Snowstorm - Spirit - Spruce - Storm - Summit - Sylvester - Taiga - Tempest - Timber - Tundra - Twilight - Valor - Vega - Vixen - Wilder - Winter - Yukina - Zeus
arctic/arctics - arf/arfs - bark/barks - birch/birchs - bite/bites - bloom/blooms - branch/branchs - breeze/breezes - breezy/breezys - canine/canines - chew/chews - chill/chills - chilly/chillys - claw/claws - cold/colds - creek/creeks - dark/darks - fang/fangs - fauna/faunas - fern/ferns - fir/firs - flora/floras - fluff/fluffs - fluffy/fluffys - forest/forests - fur/furs - growl/growls - grr/grrs - holly/hollys - howl/howls - leaf/leafs - luna/lunas - lunar/lunars - moon/moons - night/nights - nocturn/nocturns - nocturnal/nocturnals - nox/noxs - paw/paws - pine/pines - river/rivers - ruff/ruffs - sap/saps - sapling/saplings - shadow/shadows - snow/snows - snowflake/snowflakes - spruce/spruces - thorn/thorns - timber/timbers - tree/trees - tundra/tundras - wind/winds - winter/winters - wolf/wolfs - wood/woods - 🐺/🐺s - 🐾/🐾s - 🌲/🌲s - 🌳/🌳s - 🌿/🌿s - 🍁/🍁s - 🍂/🍂s - 🍃/🍃s - 🍄/🍄s - 🪨/🪨s - 🪵/🪵s - 🌑/🌑s - 🌒/🌒s - 🌓/🌓s - 🌔/🌔s - 🌕/🌕s - 🌖/🌖s - 🌗/🌗s - 🌘/🌘s - 🌙/🌙s - ⭐/⭐s - ☁️/☁️s - 🌨️/🌨️s - ❄️/❄️s
Alonesnowaesic - Auroralupincryin - Fogforestic - Forestgender - Forestwolfgender - Forestwolfsprintic - Howlgender - Neigean - Nightforfulmoonic - Northwolfic - Noxlibic - Redwoodgender - Sillywolfic - Snowfallgender - Snowmoonlic - Snowynightgender - Starforestaesic - Tundrawolfgender - Wolfbitic - Wolfforestic - Wolfgender - Wolfmoonbodiement - Wolfmoonic - Wolforigender - Wolfpawic - Wolfplushigender - Wolfstarmoonic - Wolfthing
Feel free to use this ID pack however you want. For hoarding labels, for figuring out your identity, for system members, so on and so forth.
"Do not like, reblog, comment, inbox, dm, follow + do not use our labels : radqueers and transids Anti-endos, pro-c paraphiles, and pro-shippers can still use our labels but we highly recommend you dont interact either. We block freely"
Tumblr media
(Snowy) forest + wolf (or canine) themed ID pack
Crafted by Alaska's paws 🐺🐾 Header mask | /fleaseditstuff Divider | Made by Alaska (me) (I prefer it that only I use the divider.)
Tumblr media
Alaska ✦ Alder ✦ Alpha ✦ Alpine ✦ Arctic ✦ Ash ✦ Aspen ✦ Aura ✦ Aurora ✦ Avalanche ✦ Birch ✦ Blizzard ✦ Boreal/Borealis ✦ Boris ✦ Brutus ✦ Canine ✦ Cedar ✦ Cinder ✦ Colorado ✦ Comet ✦ Crecent ✦ Crystal ✦ Dakota ✦ Dawn ✦ Diamond ✦ Douglas ✦ Dusk/Dusky ✦ Ebony ✦ Eclipse ✦ Elm ✦ Everest ✦ Evergreen ✦ Fang ✦ Fawn ✦ Fenrir ✦ Fern ✦ Forest/Forrest ✦ Frost ✦ Frostine ✦ Glacier ✦ Gray ✦ Grove/Grover ✦ Howl ✦ Icecap ✦ Icicle ✦ Ivory/Ivy ✦ January ✦ Juniper ✦ Lixue ✦ Lumi ✦ Luna ✦ Maine ✦ Mist/Misty ✦ Miyuki ✦ Montana ✦ Moon ✦ Neve ✦ North ✦ Permafrost ✦ Pine ✦ Polar ✦ Polaris ✦ Redwood ✦ River ✦ Rocky ✦ Sable ✦ Siberia ✦ Silas ✦ Silver ✦ Sirius ✦ Smoke/Smokey ✦ Snowcap ✦ Snowfall ✦ Snowflake ✦ Snowstorm ✦ Spirit ✦ Spruce ✦ Storm ✦ Summit ✦ Sylvester ✦ Taiga ✦ Tempest ✦ Timber ✦ Tundra ✦ Twilight ✦ Valor ✦ Vega ✦ Vixen ✦ Wilder ✦ Winter ✦ Yukina ✦ Zeus
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arctic/arctics ✦ arf/arfs ✦ bark/barks ✦ birch/birchs ✦ bite/bites ✦ bloom/blooms ✦ branch/branchs ✦ breeze/breezes ✦ breezy/breezys ✦ canine/canines ✦ chew/chews ✦ chill/chills ✦ chilly/chillys ✦ claw/claws ✦ cold/colds ✦ creek/creeks ✦ dark/darks ✦ fang/fangs ✦ fauna/faunas ✦ fern/ferns ✦ fir/firs ✦ flora/floras ✦ fluff/fluffs ✦ fluffy/fluffys ✦ forest/forests ✦ fur/furs ✦ growl/growls ✦ grr/grrs ✦ holly/hollys ✦ howl/howls ✦ leaf/leafs ✦ luna/lunas ✦ lunar/lunars ✦ moon/moons ✦ night/nights ✦ nocturn/nocturns ✦ nocturnal/nocturnals ✦ nox/noxs ✦ paw/paws ✦ pine/pines ✦ river/rivers ✦ ruff/ruffs ✦ sap/saps ✦ sapling/saplings ✦ shadow/shadows ✦ snow/snows ✦ snowflake/snowflakes ✦ spruce/spruces ✦ thorn/thorns ✦ timber/timbers ✦ tree/trees ✦ tundra/tundras ✦ wind/winds ✦ winter/winters ✦ wolf/wolfs ✦ wood/woods ✦ 🐺/🐺s ✦ 🐾/🐾s ✦ 🌲/🌲s ✦ 🌳/🌳s ✦ 🌿/🌿s ✦ 🍁/🍁s ✦ 🍂/🍂s ✦ 🍃/🍃s ✦ 🍄/🍄s ✦ 🪨/🪨s ✦ 🪵/🪵s ✦ 🌑/🌑s ✦ 🌒/🌒s ✦ 🌓/🌓s ✦ 🌔/🌔s ✦ 🌕/🌕s ✦ 🌖/🌖s ✦ 🌗/🌗s ✦ 🌘/🌘s ✦ 🌙/🌙s ✦ ⭐/⭐s ✦ ☁️/☁️s ✦ 🌨️/🌨️s ✦ ❄️/❄️s
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Alonesnowaesic ✦ Auroralupincryin ✦ Fogforestic ✦ Forestgender ✦ Forestwolfgender ✦ Forestwolfsprintic ✦ Howlgender ✦ Neigean ✦ Nightforfulmoonic ✦ Northwolfic ✦ Noxlibic ✦ Redwoodgender ✦ Sillywolfic ✦ Snowfallgender ✦ Snowmoonlic ✦ Snowynightgender ✦ Starforestaesic ✦ Tundrawolfgender ✦ Wolfbitic ✦ Wolfforestic ✦ Wolfgender ✦ Wolfmoonbodiement ✦ Wolfmoonic ✦ Wolforigender ✦ Wolfpawic ✦ Wolfplushigender ✦ Wolfstarmoonic ✦ Wolfthing
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Feel free to use this ID pack however you want. For hoarding labels, for figuring out your identity, for system members, so on and so forth.
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"Do not like, reblog, comment, inbox, dm, follow + do not use our labels : radqueers and transids Anti-endos, pro-c paraphiles, and pro-shippers can still use our labels but we highly recommend you dont interact either. We block freely"
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gwldcnz · 3 years ago
* 𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻: boho / hippie names ( + meanings & origins ) !
under the cut you'll find a masterlist of +100 safe male names (some of them are good for be surnames or middle names) and they meanings / origins with groovy 60s & 70s vibe inspired by nature, animals and music.
aster: a daisy-like flower (greek origin) bud: symbolic of a budding future (american origin) miller: a silver-leaved perennial flower (irish or scottish origin) quince or quincy: a type of shrub in the rose family; means “apple like fruit” (latin origin) ren: lotus; is a symbol of self-growth and enlightenment (japanese origin) rhodes: where roses grow (greek origin) rosen: roses; a popular jewish first / surname (german origin) alder: an alder tree’s wood is used to make electric guitars (english origin) arlow or arlo: evergreen barberry tree (spanish origin) asher: blessed and happy (hebrew origin)  birch: a white slender tree that can bend to the ground without breaking (english origin)  calyx or calix: a husk or pod / the funnel-shaped part of a flower (greek / latin origin) cane or kane: a stalk of sugar (english origin) carver: wood carver (english origin) cedar: a tree known for its scented wood (latin origin) forrest: a land of trees and magnificent nature (english / scottish origin) hollis: of the holly tree known for its lovely red berries (english origin) huck: like the huckleberry fruit, the state fruit of idaho (english origin) linden or lyndon: a large deciduous tree with a sturdy trunk (english / german origin) perry: dweller near a pear tree (english origin) reed or reid: a tall grass; also means red-headed (english origin) ripley: strip of clearing in the woods (english origin) rowan: a reddish brown tree; also means “little redhead” (scottish / irish origin) sage: an herb with grayish-green leaves; also means wise (latin origin) silas: man of the forest (latin origin)  timber: growing trees (english origin) berg: mountain or cliff (german origin) brent: from a steep hill (english origin) bryce: means speckled (scottish origin) canyon: a deep person with layers (spanish origin) clay: as earthy as it gets; fine-grained earth (english origin) cliff: a steep rock face (english origin) coal or cole: a natural resource; a dark gray or black color (english origin) denver: green valley (english origin) everest: as in the world’s tallest mountain (english origin)  hutton: a ridge enclosure (english / scottish origin) jasper: a red, yellow, brown, or green gemstone; also means "bringer of treasure" (persian origin)  jet: a coal-like organic gemstone (english origin) knox: a round-topped hill (scottish origin) lander: means territory (german origin) lyle: topographic name for one who lives on an island (scottish / english / french origin) onyx: a black gemstone (greek origin) ridge: a long narrow hilltop; an elevated strip of land (english origin) sawyer: woodcutter; one who saws timber (english origin) stone: means "solid as a rock" (german origin) abner: father of light; creator of the sun and stars (hebrew origin) aden or aiden: means little fire; also means "attractive" (irish / hebrew origin) blaze: a fiercely burning fire (english origin)  brenton: fire or flame; also means "town of fire" (english origin) flint: a stone that makes a spark (english origin) sorin or soren: means "sun" (romanian origin) brooks: means "small streams"; one who dwells by a brook (english origin)  calder: means "rocky water" (english origin) callan: means "flowing water" (scandinavian / gaelic origin) dylan: son of the sea (welsh origin) hurley: means "sea tide" (gaelic origin) kai: means "sea" (hawaiian origin); ocean, restoration, or recovery (japanese origin) moses: delivered from the river (hebrew origin) nile: means "champion" (greek origin)  remy: oarsman; one who drives a boat forward (french / latin origin) rivers or river: flowing water; a large winding stream (latin origin) rivo: means "stream" (italian origin)  trent or trenton: gushing or flooding water (english origin) wade: at the river crossing; wading through the water (english origin) zale: power of the sea (greek origin) raiden: thunder and lightning (japanese origin) ari: means eagle (nordic origin) or lion (hebrew origin) buck: means "male deer" (english origin) colt: a young horse less than 4 years old (swedish origin)  corbin: means "crow" (latin origin) falcon: a bird symbolizing victory (english origin) finch: a cute and colorful small bird (english origin) hawk or hawke: one of the most intelligent birds (germanic / english origin) lynx: a wild cat with luminescent eyes (greek origin) lyon: means "lion" (french origin) phoenix: a mythical bird symbolizing immortality (greek origin) talon: the claw of a bird of prey (french origin) corwin: heart’s friend; also means "one who lives near a castle" (english origin)  darrell: means "beloved" (french origin) felix: happy and fortunate (latin origin)  fenmore: means "dear love" (english origin)  fritz: peaceful ruler (german origin) jayden or jaden: means "thankful" (hebrew origin) jonah: means "dove", a symbol of peace (hebrew origin)  leif: means "loved"; also means descendant (scandinavian origin) levi: joined in harmony (hebrew origin)  lev or liev: means "heart" (yiddish origin)  milo: peaceful and calm; also means "soldier" (latin / german origin)  pax or paxton: peace or peace town (latin origin) ziggy: victorious peace (german origin) arrow: means "shot by cupid" (english origin)  art / artie: noble one (latin origin) damon: to subdue; a symbol of friendship (greek origin) dax: means "leader" (french origin) echo: a reverberating sound (greek origin) rex: means "king" (latin origin)  rider or ryder: means "horseman" (english origin) sutter: means "shoemaker" (english origin)  tanner: leather tanner (english origin) zane: means "god is gracious" (english origin)
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fujin-ender · 3 years ago
fire emblem fates characters as scents: a list
[long post ahead!!!]
(also corrin isnt on this list bc they’re so versatile since they’re the customizable character, so i couldn’t really pick out specific scents for them)
horse bedding
spicy cinnamon
hemlock musk
saddle leather
polished wood
expensive spices
stripped bamboo
horse musk
baled hay
peach blossoms
pineapple juice
fresh rosemary
old books
the inside of an antique store
burning paper
cherry blossoms
chai tea
strawberry milk
vanilla cake
wild lilies
banana-nut bread
pine wood
earth after rain
burning wood
bitter honeysuckle
jasmine flower musk
lotus blossoms
warm vanilla latte
bitter apples
cold metal
lime tarts
wood floors
wet leaves
violin bow resin
sweet earth
old fabric
natural musk
black pepper
expensive fabrics
amber wood
electrical smoke
lemon bread
old paper
strong black coffee
campfire smoke
the smell right after it’s rained
camellia blossoms
peach cobbler
dried sweet grass
magnolia flowers
wet grass
heated metal
honeydew melon
rusty metal
new notebooks
fresh sea breeze
sour-sweet plums
sweet mint
sea mist
cedar wood
freshly baked bread
dark espresso
a fresh spring breeze
herbal tea
sweet apples
cooking meat
toasted coconut
rainy woods
stone dust
bitter blackberries
ancient books
red wine
carrot cake
orange soda
rich earth
dark chocolate
savory grapefruit
earl gray tea
fresh linens
vanilla hair oil
warm honey
barley beer
dried bamboo
bitter oranges
whipped cream
dried wood
cut grass
chimney smoke
ginger root
clean citrus
americano coffee
musky incense
biting cold wind
white lilacs
dish soap
laundry detergent
carnation blossoms
dark lavender
wilting roses
unsweetened black tea
brown sugar
pine needles
fresh flour
warm vanilla frappe
dewy moss
bread dough
white peonies
sugar cookies
sweet champagne
dark berry wine
burnt sugar
expensive velvet
bitter grapes
overly strong red wine
old sweat
burned coffee beans
split dark wood
cold bitter coffee
sour guava fruit
sour milk
musty cloth
rotting plants
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mettleborn-a · 3 years ago
The flight feels long; too long, but only because Samuel is so eager to land, to see Charlotte in the flesh after all these years apart. It is still amazing to him; how they have managed to reconnect through nothing more than simple text messages and how natural it feels to talk with her, to flirt with her, to make plans with her. It should be bittersweet, given how it ended - the two of them sacrificing their relationship in pursuit of grander plans; Charlotte’s career in the field of music and Sam’s upcoming promotion in the Navy, both too young to truly realise what it was they were giving up.
Both of them, it seems, have tried to make it work with other people, Sam himself was engaged to be married only a few years ago, but it hasn’t worked out for either of them and Sam can’t help but wonder if, at least on his part, it is because there is a part of him that will always belong to Charlotte, because she was his first love, one given up through circumstance as opposed to dying passion. In truth, his circumstances now are no more ideal, in fact he has already had to lie to her about his occupation, though his deceit has only been to keep her safe. Whether she would approve of him being a gun for hire, is a different thing entirely. One step at a time…it’s a mantra he keeps repeating in his head, because he doesn’t want to get ahead of himself, doesn’t want to assume her interest in him might be romantic as opposed to platonic, though their messages certainly suggest there could be room for something to blossom between them; a rekindling neither of them ever expected.
When he enters the international arrivals section of the airport and doesn’t see her standing there, admittedly his stomach lurches, some part of him wondering if she has changed her mind since returning from Madrid. Switching on his cell, it takes a moment for the carrier to update, though he finds to his dismay there are no messages. He is about to type one when he sees her rushing through the waiting family and friends to hold up a badly scrawled sign on a piece of torn cardboard that looks like something a kid in kindergarten would make – in truth it instantly warms his heart and reminds him just how God Damn adorable she is.
When she practically jumps into his embrace, there is some part of him that seeks to pick her up, allowing her legs to wrap around him, muscle memory he supposes; reminiscent of their embraces in the past. Still, nothing stops him from spinning her tiny frame around on the spot until they’re both dizzy. “I’ve missed you too.”
As they ascend in the elevator, he can sense her staring at him, probably tracking wrinkles, traces of grey through his ginger, tiny scars and unknown blemishes…more freckles caused by the sun. Admittedly her comment causes him to immediately blush.
“I’ve aged like good whiskey only because I drink too much of it.” He quips with a laugh, squeezing her shoulder, before lifting his bags to alight from the lift. “As for you, you don’t seem to have aged at all, you’ll have to tell me your secret Charls!”
Entering the apartment, he can’t help but smile, it has the big windows and high ceilings that many expensive apartments in Manhattan do and it is chic too, so much more so than their brownstone apartment back in Brooklyn, a studio that looked like student accommodation, with music and film posters plastered all over the walls, filled with furniture they’d restored together from goodwill, of course that was nearly 13 years ago.
“You’ve got a really nice place here.” He nods, admiring the place that clearly stands as testimony to just how successful she has been in her career. Sam’s apartment in Seattle isn’t nearly as nice, but only because most of his assets are liquid; vast amounts of cash that he can easily access from any country.
“I can stay as long as you like, I’ve taken some time off.”
Some time off in real terms, means Samuel hasn’t accepted any new contacts and that means he’s at her disposal for the time being. Her suggestion of heading to the bar another night is met with an approving nod, he’s aware his jet lag is entirely obvious.
“Okay, how about, for old times’ sake, we have a sofa night in our PJs, hmm? Microwave some popcorn, get in a pizza, maybe some Japanese beers…God Damn have I missed New York pizza.”
Laughing to himself, he realises it may seem like a strange suggestion, given they haven’t seen each other in years and he already appears to be making himself at home. “I mean, only if you want.”
@mettleborn closed starter
There’s a smile that appears on Charlotte’s face as she reminisce the events that have transpired in the past two days. She can’t believe that Sam kept the same number for years and to be fair she kept the same number as well, in case either of them decided to text each other after the break up, which wasn’t a bad one either but an understanding that their careers were taking them on opposite ways. At first and for a long while it was hard for Charlotte, Samule was the love of her life a friend before lover, which made the relationship that all much easy and now? After many years apart, Charlotte finally messaged Sam. It felt as if years didn’t passed by, their texts were light and almost flirty as they brought up fond memories, memories that Charlotte cherished very much. Sam set the bar way to high when it came to being the perfect boyfriend, he did things that mad Charlotte sore through the sky, they where each other’s worlds and everyone they knew saw them as the perfect couple. 
“Here we are Miss.” The Uber driver mentioned as they stopped in front of her apartment complex “Thank you.” Charlotte got out from the car and walked around the vehicle just in time for the driver to open the trunk to set her luggage down. “Thank you again..” Charlotte smiled and took her luggage.
It’s great to be home, a familiar scent makes it’s way to her nose and she lets out a happy sigh. There was only a few hours to get ready, to get her refrigerator stocked with food and Sam’s favorite snacks. Charlotte is quick to shower and to get ready and she wastes no time to head towards the near by grocery store; she gets ingredients for fish tacos , french toast, lasagna, snacks they both loved and by the time she’s done shopping and she’s back at her apartment there’s an hour left for her pick up Sam and so she leaves the groceries on the kitchen counter while she placed the perishable food inside her refrigerator.
The sign. She promised a sign. Charlotte is giggling as she takes the top of a shoe box and scribbles Sam’s full name on the inside of the top with a marker. It’s silly but she knows it’ll make Sam smile. Charlotte barely makes it, traffic and parking is horrible and by the time she reaches the terminal there’s people spilling out. She could hear her heart pounding so loud within her chest as she holds the silly sign to her chest, her eyes scanning the crowd for Sam and then she sees him, she holds her breath.
He looks so tired but his eyes held the same kind of brightness whenever their eyes connect and soon her feet are moving on their own and in a few seconds she’s running towards him, practically tackling him when her body makes contact with his but he somehow manages to keep them steady. “I’ve missed you.” Her arms are wrapped around his neck and her cheek presses against his as she embraces him. For a moment it feels like back then, how Sam would hug her tightly, how his face settles against her neck. And it all feels so right.
Finally after a while she pulls away and lets her hands rest against his biceps “It’s so good to see you.” She smiles up at him “Come on, you look so tired.” Charlotte fails to notice how her hand trails down to one of his, guiding them to the parking lot.
The ride to her apartment is quiet but it’s comfortable and Charlotte knows it’s been a good ten hour flight. “Here we are..” she mentioned as she pulled into her apartment parking garage. Again, her hand takes a hold of his once he have his luggage and she guides them to the garage elevator that leas to her apartment. Once in the elevator Charlotte can’t stop looking at him, she notices the slight wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, his hair and beard still hold that copper color with the exception of gray hair in between “You aged like fine wine.” She blurts out and soon she chuckles softly right before the elevator dinged and open the door to her apartment.
Charlotte is quick to get her keys “Your room is over here..” she guides him further into her apartment and opens the guest room “Here we are.. like I said, the room have its bathroom.” Charlotte leans against the door frame once he enters the room “We don’t have to go to the bar tonight, I’m sure you’re tired. We can always go tomorrow night right?” She asked “How long will you be staying?” She only hope that it was more than two nights, she hopes it’ll give them time to enjoy themselves and perhaps to relive old memories.
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thetaigasystem · 2 years ago
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Map of The Taiga System In order from outer rings to the center, we have: The Abyss The Abyss surrounds the Taiga. It is a black, empty void of nothing. It is rumored this is where Silas came from. It is also most likely the subconscious. The Mountains The Mountains are a range of snow-capped mountains so tall you could barely see the peaks. They protect the Taiga from The Abyss. The Deep Forest The Deep Forest is a dense forest, thick with evergreen trees, thickets, tall grass, and briars. The further you get to The Mountains, the thicker it gets and the less wildlife there is. The Forest The Forest is a beautiful, lush boreal forest filled with woodland critters from all regions of the world's boreal forests. Somewhere within The Forest, Rabbit's carnival lies. The carnival is where Rabbit spends most of their time. Their house lies on the border of The Forest and The Suburb. Rabbit's house is a beautifully decorated, warm, and inviting house straight out of the early 90's. There's always food available, the beds are as soft as clouds, the whole house smells like cinnamon rolls, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, or various deserts, respective to the time. The Suburb The Suburb lies between The Forest and The Red Light District. It mainly composes of houses from varying time periods. It also has several shopping malls, all in various states of abandonment. A train track passes through here. Nobody knows where it goes. The overlying type of area would be considered Midwest. Chance takes up residence in The Suburb, usually seen wandering the streets and railroad tracks. When he <i>does</i> go home, he usually goes straight to his room. Any house he decides to go into always has his room. Chance stays here to put himself between Rabbit and The Center. The Red Light District The Red Light District is an inner city filled with skyscrapers, neon lights, LED advertisements, bustling city noises, and clubs. This is where Chloe resides. Chloe's house is a rooftop penthouse suite. She has two pools, one on top of her roof, and one inside her penthouse. She often goes to clubs and bars, having fun there. The RLD also has AI propelled androids simulating citizens. Chloe has several groups of friends with these androids. The Centrum The Centrum is where the alters come to front. There is a room in the main building, not dissimilar to a king's throne room. In this room there is a roaring fireplace, stone flooring, a ceiling so high you'll get dizzy from looking up, and a long plush crimson carpet leading up to a silver throne with deep crimson cushions and intricate black details, where the alter sits to front. This room sits in a medieval castle. Surrounding the castle is a field of soft green grass. There are several large rooms in the castle, all holding the system's interests. There are smaller rooms holding memories, some of which are locked. Outside of the castle, a moat surrounds it, followed by a garden. A beautiful and intricate dark oak bridge spans the moat, meeting an impossibly large gate and a charming entrance to the garden. Following the cobble path through the garden gets you to the outer limits, where abandoned medieval houses lie.
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